What lord Krishna says about life in English

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Lord Krishna’s teachings on life are vast and multifaceted, but here are some key themes:

lord Krishna says about life

What lord Krishna says about life

Dharma and Duty:

  • Fulfill your Dharma: Krishna emphasizes the importance of fulfilling one’s Dharma, which is one’s sacred duty based on caste, station in life, and unique talents. He says it’s better to do your Dharma imperfectly than to do someone else’s perfect.
  • Action without attachment: Perform your actions without attachment to the outcome or the fruits of your labor. This promotes detachment from worldly desires and a sense of inner peace.

Mind and Self-Control:

  • Master your mind: The mind is restless and difficult to control, but through practice and self-discipline, it can be subdued. This allows for inner peace and clarity.
  • Be fearless and pure: Develop courage, integrity, and a strong sense of self-worth. Avoid negativity and cultivate positive qualities like love, compassion, and humility.

The Nature of Reality:

  • The soul is eternal: The soul is neither born nor does it die. It transcends the physical world and continues its journey through various lifetimes.
  • Everything is interconnected: All beings and things are part of a larger divine whole. We are all connected through the Atman, the universal soul.
  • Accept what is: Learn to accept life’s joys and sorrows with equanimity. Understand that everything happens for a reason and that ultimately, everything is in the hands of the divine.

Living with Purpose:

  • Find your calling: Discover your purpose in life and dedicate yourself to fulfilling it. This could be through Dharma, serving others, or pursuing your passions.
  • Live in the present: Don’t focus on the past or worry about the future. Focus your attention on the present moment and make the most of it.

These are just a few snippets of Lord Krishna’s vast wisdom in life. To delve deeper, you can explore the Bhagavad Gita, a scripture that contains many of his teachings. Remember, interpretation can vary, and the specific meaning of his words may depend on the context and individual perspective.

Shri Krishna‘s most famous quotes:

Shri Krishna, the beloved Hindu deity, is known for his profound wisdom and inspiring words. His teachings, often found in the Bhagavad Gita, offer guidance on life, love, and the pursuit of self-realization. Here are some of Shri Krishna’s most famous quotes:

On duty and purpose:

  • “You have the right to do your work, but not the right to reap the benefits of your work. Do your work, but don’t attach yourself to the outcome.”
  • “It is better to live one’s destiny imperfectly than to live it perfectly by imitating someone else’s life.”
  • “Fear not. What is not real has never been and will never be. What is real has always been there and cannot be destroyed.”

On facing challenges:

  • “For those who do not control it, the mind acts like an enemy.”
  • “Do not worry about the results of your work; just do your work the best you can. Anxiety is a waste of time and energy.”
  • “The true warrior is not one who conquers others, but one who conquers himself.”

On love and compassion:

  • “Love all, trust a few, do wrong to none.”
  • “The one who has conquered his mind is his own friend, his own teacher.”
  • “Where there is love, there is life.”

On the nature of reality:

  • “Creation is simply the projection of something that already exists.”
  • “The soul can never be cut by any weapon, nor can it be burnt by fire, nor can it be wetted by water, nor can it be dried by wind.”
  • “We behold what we are, and we are what we behold.”

These are just a few of the many beautiful and profound quotes from Shri Krishna. His words continue to inspire and guide people around the world, offering wisdom for living a meaningful and fulfilling life.

If you have any specific aspects of Lord Krishna’s teachings you’d like to explore further, I’d be happy to share more information or insights.


If facing a difficult decision that conflicts with one’s perceived Dharma, how can one reconcile their duty with their conscience? 

This question delves deeper into the complexities of fulfilling Dharma, especially when personal beliefs or ethical considerations come into play.

How can we achieve true detachment from the results of our actions while still remaining motivated and engaged in the world?

This probes the balance between inner peace and worldly involvement, a central theme in Krishna’s teachings.

Considering the interconnectedness of all beings, how can we cultivate compassion and responsibility towards both those close to us and those seemingly far removed?

This broadens the scope of Krishna’s message, prompting reflection on our place within the larger web of existence.

In the face of life’s inevitable suffering and challenges, how can we maintain stability and accept what is without succumbing to despair?

This tackles the practical application of accepting reality, a crucial aspect of finding peace and meaning amidst life’s difficulties.

Beyond fulfilling our individual Dharma, what larger purpose or calling might we discover in accordance with Krishna’s teachings?

This question encourages introspection and exploration of how our journey fits into the grander scheme of existence.

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