Vishwakarma Aarti in English

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Diving into the cultural depths of a civilization often reveals hidden gems that enrich our understanding of the world. One such jewel from the Indian spiritual landscape is the “Vishwakarma Aarti.” Not merely a chant or a song, this Aarti is an ode to Lord Vishwakarma, the divine architect of the universe. For the uninitiated, Aartis are traditional hymns sung in praise of deities, and they hold a special place in the tapestry of Indian religious practices.

Vishwakarma Aarti

Vishwakarma Aarti: The Spiritual Lighthouse

Every culture has its unique means of connecting with the divine. In India, the practice of Aarti is one such powerful medium. The Vishwakarma Aarti, in particular, holds a special place, resonating with the vibes of craftsmanship, architecture, and divine design.

Origin and Historical Background

Tracing its origins back to ancient scriptures, Vishwakarma Aarti has been a beacon of faith for countless generations. Lord Vishwakarma, hailed as the universe’s chief architect, is celebrated and revered through this hymn. Passed down orally and through manuscripts, it echoes the appreciation for craftsmanship and the art of creating.

Lyrics and Their Profound Meaning

At its heart, the Vishwakarma Aarti is more than just words. Each verse, each line, is imbued with deep spiritual and philosophical meanings. They speak of the lord’s qualities, his role in the cosmic design, and the reverence he commands among his devotees.

The Ritualistic Performance

An integral part of any Aarti is its performance. Involving lamps, bells, and a deep sense of devotion, the ritualistic singing of Vishwakarma Aarti is a sight to behold. The aura, the ambience, and the sheer energy can transport believers and onlookers alike to a realm of spiritual ecstasy.

Cultural Impact and Modern Adaptations

Over the years, Vishwakarma Aarti has seamlessly blended with contemporary culture. Modern renditions, adaptations in dance forms, and even its incorporation in popular media showcase its timeless relevance.

Personal Experiences and Transformative Journeys

Speak to any devotee, and they’ll regale you with tales of how Vishwakarma Aarti transformed their lives. It’s not just a song but a pathway to personal growth, spiritual awakening, and an unbreakable bond with the divine.

The Universal Appeal of Aartis

While Vishwakarma Aarti is deeply rooted in Indian culture, the essence of Aartis, in general, is universal. They symbolize a bridge between the mortal and the immortal, the earthly and the divine. Regardless of geography, they strike a chord, revealing the human yearning for a deeper connection.

Vishwakarma Aarti

jay shree vishvakarma prabhu, jay shree vishvakarma.
sakal srshti ke karata, rakshak stuti dharma.

jay shree vishvakarma prabhu, jay shree vishvakarma.
aadi srshti me vidhi ko, shruti upadesh diya.

jeev maatr ka jag mein, gyaan vikaas kiya.
jay shree vishvakarma prabhu, jay shree vishvakarma.

rshi angeera tap se, shaanti nahin paee.
dhyaan kiya jab prabhu ka, sakal siddhi aaee.

jay shree vishvakarma prabhu, jay shree vishvakarma.
rog grast raaja ne, jab aashray leena.

sankat mochan banakar, door duhkha keena.
jay shree vishvakarma prabhu, jay shree vishvakarma.

jab rathakaar dampati, tumhaaree ter karee.
sunakar deen praarthana, vipat sagaree haree.

jay shree vishvakarma prabhu, jay shree vishvakarma.
ekaanan chaturaanan, panchaanan raaje.

tribhuj chaturbhuj dashabhuj, sakal roop saaje.
jay shree vishvakarma prabhu, jay shree vishvakarma.

dhyaan dhare tab pad ka, sakal siddhi aave.
man dvividha mit jaave, atal shakti paave.

jay shree vishvakarma prabhu, jay shree vishvakarma.
shree vishvakarma kee aaratee, jo koee gaave.

bhajat gajaanaand svaamee, sukh sampati paave.
jay shree vishvakarma prabhu, jay shree vishvakarma.
sakal srshti ke karata, rakshak stuti dharma.


Navigating through the mystical waters of Vishwakarma Aarti, we unearth a world brimming with spiritual wisdom, cultural richness, and a testament to humanity’s timeless bond with the divine. Whether you’re a seeker, a devotee, or simply a curious soul, the layers of meaning, tradition, and devotion embedded within this ancient hymn invite you to experience a deeper understanding of life, art, and the universe.


What is the significance of Vishwakarma Aarti?

The Vishwakarma Aarti is a hymn dedicated to Lord Vishwakarma, the divine architect of the universe. It celebrates craftsmanship, divine design, and the ancient art of creation.

Who is Lord Vishwakarma?

Lord Vishwakarma is a deity revered as the chief architect of the universe. He symbolizes the art of craftsmanship and design in the cosmic realm.

How is the Aarti performed?

The Aarti involves ritualistic singing accompanied by lamps, bells, and deep devotion. It’s a blend of musical homage and spiritual reverence.

Why is the Vishwakarma Aarti relevant today?

Its timeless teachings about craftsmanship, dedication, and divine design resonate even today, making it relevant in both spiritual and cultural contexts.

How often is the Vishwakarma Aarti sung?

While it can be sung daily as part of personal devotion, it gains special significance during the Vishwakarma Puja, an annual celebration.

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