Devi Gayatri Chalisa English Lyrics

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Introduction to Devi Gayatri Chalisa

Have you ever stumbled upon an ancient hymn that resonates with the depths of your soul? Well, the Devi Gayatri Chalisa is one such spiritual treasure.

Gayatri Chalisa English Lyrics

Who is Devi Gayatri?

Devi Gayatri, often depicted with five faces and ten hands, is the embodiment of the universal mother. She’s venerated as the mother of the Vedas and the personification of the all-encompassing knowledge of Brahman. Sounds divine, right?

The significance of Chalisa in Hinduism

A ‘Chalisa‘ is essentially a 40-verse prayer, dedicated to various deities in the Hindu pantheon. Its purpose? To invoke divine blessings, protection, and guidance.

Unveiling the Beauty of Devi Gayatri Chalisa

From its historic roots to its profound verses, the Devi Gayatri Chalisa is a journey of devotion and faith.

Historical origin

Though the exact origins remain shrouded in mystery, many believe the Chalisa was penned by ancient sages as they felt Devi Gayatri’s luminous presence.

Traditional verses and their meanings

Each verse of the Chalisa encapsulates the essence of Devi Gayatri, invoking her blessings for wisdom, prosperity, and protection. Ever heard the phrase, “lost in translation?” It’s essential to grasp the original intent of these verses for a more profound connection.

Benefits of chanting

Chanting the Chalisa is believed to remove obstacles, illuminate one’s path, and draw the devotee closer to the divine consciousness. Think of it as tuning into a frequency where only peace and positivity reign.

How to Recite Devi Gayatri Chalisa

So, you’re ready to immerse yourself in the chant? Let’s get started!

Preparing for the recitation

Ensure a serene environment. Maybe light a lamp or incense. Sit comfortably, preferably facing east, and take a few deep breaths. Feel the vibe?

Best times to recite

Dawn and dusk are considered the most auspicious. But remember, what’s more, essential is your devotion, not the clock.

Correct pronunciation and intonations

While it’s crucial to pronounce words correctly, don’t stress! Over time, with regular practice, the verses will flow like a melodious river.

The Power of Devi Gayatri Chalisa in Everyday Life

Ever met someone who swears by the transformative energy of a chant?

Stories of miracles and blessings

Many devotees share tales of miraculous healings, dreams come true, and unexpected blessings post the regular recitation of the Chalisa. Coincidence? Or divine intervention?

Healing properties of the chant

Much like a mother’s lullaby, the Devi Gayatri Chalisa has soothing, healing properties. It’s believed to bestow mental peace, clarity, and emotional strength.


The Devi Gayatri Chalisa is more than just a set of verses; it’s a beacon of hope, a source of solace, and a pathway to divine communion. Ready to embark on this spiritual journey?

Gayatri Chalisa English Lyrics

|| Gayatri Chalisa ||

!! Hreem shreem kleem megha prabha jevan jyoti prachand,
Shanti kranti, jagruti, pragati, rachana, shakti akhand,
Jagat janni mandal, karni gayatri sukhdham, .
Pranvom savitri swadha, swaha puran kam. !!

!! Aum bhur bhuvah swah yut janni,
gayatri nitt kalimal dehani,
Akshar chaubis param punita,
inmen base shastra shruti geeta.!!

!! Shashwat satoguni satrupa,
satya sanatan sudha anupa.
Hansarodha sitamber dhari,
swarn kanti shuchi gagan bihari. !!

!! Pustak pushp kamandalu mala, shubh,
varn tanu nain vishala,
Dheyan dharat pulkit hit koi,
sukh upjat dukh durmati khoi !!

!! Kamdhenu tum sur taru chhaya,
nirakar ki adbhut maya.
Tumhari sharan gahe jo ko,
tarai sakal sankata so soi. !!

!! Saraswati lakshmi tum kali,
dipe tumhari jyoti nirali.
Tumhari mahima para na pave,
jo sharad shat mukh gunn gave. !!

!! Char ved ki maat punita,
tum brahmani gauri gita,
Maha mantra jitne jag mahi,
kou gayatri sam nahi. !!

!! Sumirat hiye mein gyan prakashe,
alas pap avidya nase.
Srishti beej jag janni bhawani,
kal ratari varada kalyani. !!

!! Brahma vishnu rudr sur jaite,
tum so pave surta tete,
Tum bhagatan ke bhagat tumhare,
janihi putr te pyare. !!

!! Mahima aprampar tumhari,
jai jai tripda bhaehari.
Purit sakal gyan vigyana,
tum sam adhik na jag mein ana.!!

!! Tumahin jaan kachhu rahe na shesha,
tumahin paye kachu rahe na kalesa,
Janant tumahi tumahi vahe jayi,
paras paris kudhatu suhai. !!

!! Tumhari shakti dipe sab thai,
mata tum sab thor samai,
Greh nakshatra bhramand ghanere,
sub gativan tumhare prere. !!

!! Sakal shrishti praan vidhata,
palak poshak nashak trata,
Mateshwari deya vart dhari,
tum san tare pataki bhari. !!

!! Japar kripa tumhari ho,
tapar kripa kare sab koi.
Mand buddhi te buddhi bal pave,
rogi rog rahit ho jave !!

!! Daridra mite kate sub pira,
nashe dukh hare bhav bhira,
Greh kalesh chitt chinta bhari,
nase gayatri bhay hari. !!

!! Santati heen susantati pave,
sukh sampati yut mod manave,
Bhoot pishach sabe bhay khave
yam ke doot nikat nahi aave !!.

!! Jo sadhav sumire chit, laai,
akshayat suhag sada sukhdai.
Ghar var sukh prad lahe kumari,
vidhava rahay satya vrata dhari. !!

!! Jayati jayati jagadamb bhavani,
tum sam aur deyalu na daani,
Jo satguru so diksha pave,
so sadhan ko safal banave !!
!! Sumiran kare suruchi badbhagi,
lahe manorath grehi viragi.
Asht sidhi nav nidhi ki data,
saba samarath gayatri mata. !!

!! Rishi munni yati tapasvi jogi,
so so mann vanchhit phal pave,
Bal buddhi vidya sheel swbhau,
dhan vaibhav yash tej uchhau.!!

!! Sakal badhe upje sukh nana,
jo yah path kare dhari dheyana. !!
|| Dohaa ||
!! Yaha chalisa bhagati yut,
path kare jo koi,
Tapar kripa parsanata,
gayatri ki hoe. !!


  1. What is a Chalisa?
  • A 40-verse prayer dedicated to various Hindu deities.
  1. Why is Devi Gayatri considered the mother of Vedas?
  • She personifies the all-encompassing knowledge of Brahman, which is the foundation of the Vedas.
  1. How often should one recite the Gayatri Chalisa?
  • While daily recitation is beneficial, it’s the devotion that truly matters.
  1. Can beginners recite the Chalisa?
  • Absolutely! With sincere intent, anyone can start their journey.
  1. Is it mandatory to face east while chanting?
  • While traditional, it’s more symbolic. What’s key is the devotion and intent behind the chant.

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